Self-care Audiobooks, eBooks and Video Courses

Take care of your body and mind today

Change the way you live, work and rest. Taking care of both your body and mind is key to ensuring mental and physical well-being. 


Our top picks

Please see below for our top pick titles covering a range of topics on how to stay physically and mentally healthy.

Manifest Your Dreams


Manifest Your Dreams

Making your dreams reality.* Discover the power of positive thinking and how you can make your dreams really come true!* The simple system for utilizi...

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A Mindful Moment


A Mindful Moment

Learning to meditate can bring a sense of calm and inner happiness to our lives and help promote feeling of peace and tranquility that often times get...

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Better Mind Better Life


Better Mind Better Life

Better Living With Enhanced Mental Health! Get All The Support And Guidance You Need To Be A Success At A Better Life!When you hear the term “emotiona...

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Choose To Be Happy!


Choose To Be Happy!

Have you always wondered how to apply positive self-talk and to employ the process of suggestibility to overcome fears? Here are some invaluable infor...

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Mental Health

Look after your children’s mental health

Children and young people may also be affected mentally by the coronavirus outbreak, our products will help you manage your child’s mental wellbeing.


Mental Health

How to exercise safely at home

We Believe fitness should be accessible to everyone,
everywhere, regardless of income,
level or access to a gym.


Mental Health

The benefits of a social media detox

Many of us may feel that we are spending too much time on our mobile phones or staring at screens. It is time to start putting down our devices and begin living in the present.

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